papers and chapters

Kroth, Lilian (2024): “Entropy and Entropic Differences in the Work of Michel Serres”, Theory Culture & Society, 41 (2), 21-35.

Kroth, Lilian (2024): “Property and “le Propre”. Limits, Law, and a New Naturalism with Michel Serres” in Environmental Ethics, online first,

Kroth, Lilian (2023): “Entropy’s Critical Translations. Following Serres’s Path through the North-West-Passage”, Technophany 2 (1), Special Issue “Entropies”, Radboud University Press, 1-19.

Kroth, Lilian (2022): “Infrastructure, Translation, and Metaphor: A Reflection on Infrastructure’s Epistemic Framework and Metaphorical Displacements with Michel Serres and Bruno Latour”, in Broken Relations: Infrastructure, Aesthetics, and Critique, (ed. Beck, Martin; von Bismarck, Beatrice; Buchmann, Sabeth; Lafer, Ilse), Leipzig: Spector Books. Link to Book

Kroth, Lilian (2022): “The Topology of Difference: Deleuze’s Nietzsche in his Politics of Folded Spaces and Subjects”, in Nietzsche and the Politics of Difference (ed. Rehberg, Andrea; Woodward, Ashley): De Gruyter. DOI: 10.1515/9783110688436-010

Kroth, Lilian (2022): “Critique emerging from Marshes and Mushrooms. Parasitism and Desterilisation in Serres and Tsing”, in: Parassiti. Annuario Kaiak n. 7 (ed. Cuomo, Vincenzo; Pelgreffi, Igor): Kaiak Edizioni.

Kroth, Lilian (2021): “Wie viel Geheimnis muss sein? Geheimnis, Nichtwissen und ihre gesellschaftlichen Funktionen bei Georg Simmel”, in Die (Deutungs-) Macht des Öffentlichen. Beiträge zur dritten zu Kommunikation (ed. Metzler, Barbara; Himmelsbach, Julia; Bertel, Diotima; Schmid, Daniela; Grohs, Nora; Nigitsch, Philipp): Danzig & Unfried.

Eder, Natalie, Eleven, Martin, and Kroth, Lilian (2017): “‘Den gegenwärtigen Moment nicht verpassen’ (‘Not to Miss the Present Moment’): Interview with Jean-Luc Nancy’, in: Zeitschrift für Medien-und Kulturforschung, 8/1: SCHWERPUNKT Inkarnieren, (ed. Engell, Lorenz; Siegert, Bernhard).

book/exhibition reviews

Kroth, Lilian: “Art under the Lens of Political Theory: Oliver Marchart and the Aesthetics of Explicitly Political Art” (in: Third Text Online. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture, 3July 2022)

Kroth, Lilian: “Reale Außen? Konfrontationen zwischen French Theory und postkolonialer Kritik im Spiegel einer dividuellen Teilhabe am Weltwerden” (Polylog, 42 (2019))

Kroth, Lilian: “Drawing From and With the Oceanic: Tania Kovats at Parafin, London” (in: Third Text Online. Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture, 25 January 2022)